Monday, February 20, 2012

Should Obama allow GM to sell the Hummer to the Chinese?

You bet! This way he can just bar Hummers from being imported. He must plan on getting all the trucks and SUV divisions to being sold to foreign makers and refuse to let them pass customs. We need to get them off our roads to make room for roller skater and bicycles!Should Obama allow GM to sell the Hummer to the Chinese?Why not?

P.S. Hummer doesn't make Humvees for the military, AM general does.Should Obama allow GM to sell the Hummer to the Chinese?
sweet capitalismShould Obama allow GM to sell the Hummer to the Chinese?Yes, the company needs to shed its SUV brands
why not? it's an ugly eyesore gas guzzler.Should Obama allow GM to sell the Hummer to the Chinese?I wouldn't drive anything made in China, if they want no one to buy them anymore they can do thatShould Obama allow GM to sell the Hummer to the Chinese?
Why not? Barry is selling Chrysler to the Italians?

Let the Chinese own those boat anchors.
Yes. They are environmentally friendly.

(Chinese people are small. They can put in rows of seats and use them for buses)Should Obama allow GM to sell the Hummer to the Chinese?
In Capitalism, he who has the most money buys what they want.

Now we can become Communist and block the sale.
A fine idea to me.
No,,,,how would that further his green plan?
let them take it maybe China has better use for it.
And You really think you have a choice,or a vote?Where have you been the past 6 months?

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